Roto is a simple mobile application (iOS and Android) that was released on both the App Store and Google Play store, receiving over 10k downloads with no marketing. This app is a quick mobile game that features Game Center (iOS), Native Sharing of high score with screenshot, iAd (iOS), and External Links to other applications (linking to the “Pro” $0.99 version of the app called “Roto Neon,” as well as other games created by me).
Collaborators: Christopher Chiang
App Store Link
Technologies Used
iOS Native Asset
What I Worked On
For this application, I decided to learn as much as possible about native features of mobile applications in iOS and Android. While my collaborator Chris Chiang worked on the main gameplay mechanics, I focused on creating the UIs and the functionalities of Game Center, sharing screenshots, and having external links to other app pages.
What I Learned
Not only did I learn about the process of utilizing native iOS and Android features, but also this was one of the first times I collaborated on a personal project with another developer. We were able to collaborate via a combination of Git, peer programming (in person), and file sharing. This was eye opening because we initially had several issues sharing our Unity project, but we were able to learn a lot and get into a smooth process pretty quickly.