Zombie Bird: Revelation is a mobile application (iOS and Android) inspired by Flappy Bird that was released on both the App Store and Google Play store, receiving over 20k downloads with no marketing. The unique part about this application was that I actually created it in place of my final paper for my First-Year Writing class at Northeastern University. In the class, we learned about the symbolism behind the portrayal of zombies in media as a symbol for the faults of society and capitalism. This app explores this symbolism by making the goal of the game to get as many “Zombucks” as possible, and to purchase hats in the store. Soon, players realize that the bird has become a zombie, but also the player has become a zombie by only playing the game to get Zombucks and receive materialistic and worthless digital items.
Technologies Used
iOS Native Asset
Adobe Photoshop
iOS Native Asset
Adobe Photoshop
What I Worked On
I built this application over the course of 3 days (from concept to submission on the App Store), with entirely custom code and custom graphics. I decided to challenge myself and create my own 2D graphics in Photoshop.
What I Learned
I always try to learn a new hard skill with each project that I make for myself. In this project, I learned about 3rd-party advertising via the AdColony SDK. Players are able to watch video ads to get more Zombucks quickly, a formula that exists in many successful mobile applications with in-game currencies.